The Show...

'The team, all seemingly comfortable just bouncing off one another, follow any random idea to its logical (or illogical) conclusion.' - Keeping Up With NZ


'Snort has tapped into an entirely new audience potential. The balance of Snort regulars versus Snort virgins is almost perfectly half and half each every week, thanks to both word of mouth and walk-ins. It’s obvious that Snort has had, and will continue to have, a long life...' - Theatrescenes


'Playful yet pointed, ruthlessly clever but never cruel, Snort creates the delightful sensation that you’ve slipped and fallen deep into the hive mind of Auckland’s best comedic talent.' - Pantograph Punch


'Auckland's amazing hothouse of comedy talent. Must see.' - The Daily Blog


'These are some NZers that we would be happy to claim as our own.' - Squirrel Comedy (Australia)


'An energetic and witty venture into absurd improv comedy.' - The Music (Australia)




